Monday 24 January 2011

How did the Soviet Union try and control the Eastern Bloc?

To gain control of Eastern Europe following the second world war the Soviets used a variety of methods. Including:

P - Policies e.g. promises of land reform and reconstruction of a new post war society

A- Army - The Red Army remained throughout Eastern Europe

S - Support - Many communist parties had a degree public support

S - Salami Tactics - Political maoevering to create communist governments

E - Economic Policies - Comecon

D - Doctrine Berzehnev

C - Cominform - organisation to promote and support communism in other countries

L- Leaders - Politicans trained in the USSR were placed in Eastern European governments

I - Intevention - politically and militarially to maintain control

P -

These methods were used throughout the period to maintain control of Eastern Europe as well.

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