Monday 24 January 2011

How did the Soviet Union try and control the Eastern Bloc?

To gain control of Eastern Europe following the second world war the Soviets used a variety of methods. Including:

P - Policies e.g. promises of land reform and reconstruction of a new post war society

A- Army - The Red Army remained throughout Eastern Europe

S - Support - Many communist parties had a degree public support

S - Salami Tactics - Political maoevering to create communist governments

E - Economic Policies - Comecon

D - Doctrine Berzehnev

C - Cominform - organisation to promote and support communism in other countries

L- Leaders - Politicans trained in the USSR were placed in Eastern European governments

I - Intevention - politically and militarially to maintain control

P -

These methods were used throughout the period to maintain control of Eastern Europe as well.

What caused problems for the Soviet Union in controlling Eastern Europe?

The Polish Crisis 1956

The Hungarian Crisis 1956

Prague Spring 1968

The Polish Solidarity Crisis